2020 has become the year where everything went virtual. All over the world, thousands of events switched from real-world venues into the cloud because of the COVID-19 pandemic. And with the festive season on the horizon, for many companies, year-end functions are also going to be held at a distance.
With the vaccine being rolled out in a tiered approach, we’re still a way off from going back to normal just yet. But that doesn’t mean that your year-end function needs to fall flat. There is more to your business than just the walls that contain it.
Businesses are driven by the people that make them work and the culture they create. Human connection still works from a distance, especially with the right engagement tools to hand. And after the year that 2020 has been, with all the intermittent isolation, a sense of belonging is needed more than ever among your employees.
What’s on the menu?
There may not be a snack or buffet table. But food deliveries are still possible. With the help of the right partner, your employees can still enjoy good food on the company tab. In fact, some companies handle more than just the food. A new breed of event company is emerging in the virtual space. Some, like Smart Parties will deliver three-course meals, drinks, party novelties, activities and provide entertainment, and will also host the party broadcast.
Zoom Bomb it
Entertainers and event companies have had to embrace the new virtual culture. And in many ways, their work has become more accessible to people everywhere. We are no longer limited by geography. Entertainment now streams into our homes from all over the world at the touch of a button.
Why not surprise your staff with an unexpected appearance from a musician or comedian. Under lockdown, these types of “Zoom Bombs” became extremely popular, with many celebrities surprising fans in the virtual space during lockdown and going viral in the process.
Get interactive
Apps like House Party already have a selection of interactive games built-in. Alternatively, you could try a virtual escape experience from a company like Emeraude or the Events Company, which also has a selection of other virtual activities that will keep your staff engaged and festive.
Quiz culture has picked up online during lockdown, too, with virtual pub quizzes becoming the activity of choice for company parties and other social events across the globe. Quizzes are a great way to up the interaction and fun. And the competitive factor always keeps energy levels at a high.
Keep spirits up
Staff can still be engaged and rewarded for their hard work with a fun, exciting end-of-year event, even if they aren’t physically able to be in the same space together. The big bash at the end of the year is often something that employees really look forward to. And in the virtual age, there is no reason to disappoint them.
At Sagal, we believe that company culture and a feeling of belonging among staff members are important contributors to success. There’s nothing like a great Christmas party to keep that spirit going.