What day is it?
Over the last 10 weeks of lockdown we have all been on a bit of a rollercoaster and at Sagal have fast-tracked through some rather interesting topics from, ‘Surviving WFH’, discovering ‘The Good, the Bad & Ugly’, the lull of ‘Please don’t mention the C-word again’ and a scary realisation that this might be the ‘Death of the workplace?’
So we ready to return to our offices?
Well, no single solution fits all. At Sagal we believe that the When, Where, and How we work is changing, and it all starts with YOU!
Work-Life Balance
Evolution is a slow process (anyone read Charles Darwin?). The survival of the fittest businesses is going to require a faster pace of change post-COVID-19. Your employees and your teams need to feel assured that your plans are solid and long term. Short term, panic decisions could have a disastrous effect on morale.
Remote working, activity-based, and agile working environments are not a brand new initiative, we’ve been creating and promoting these styles of working for some time with human well-being a constant forefront for these developments. If there is a silver lining in all this – perhaps it was the nudge for you to realise that you can embark on this style of working for a better work/life balance. Perhaps the 9-5, mon-fri working day in the office will eventually become a thing of the past? One thing we are sure, is that a central workplace hub will be needed.
Humans have evolved to be sociable beings, we need to interact and share. The workplace must adapt to allow us to be human.
Think about things differently.
We envision the successful offices of the future becoming a Hub, not a factory. The workplace hub will be a place where you, your colleagues, and the team can choose when, where, and how you work. Some may use it once a week, others may use it full time, but essentially it will be down to the individual, their role, their tasks, their home life, their preference! It will become a place that we WANT to commute to, to engage, to collaborate and most of all have a sense of belonging.
Post lockdown we are working on a strategy to ensure businesses plan short, mid, and long term; engaging and supporting you and your people. Every step you take now will impact your business. You need to start creating the future workplace now and develop somewhere people can enjoy and give their best, exchange ideas and succeed. Let us share our knowledge and learnings.
DOWNLOAD Our White Paper – ‘Working Solutions for Office & WFH Teams – PREPARING FOR A POST COVID-19 WORKPLACE’ .
How will YOUR TEAM Evolve?
Tell us your ideas and visions for your future workplace and let’s have a discussion about how we can make that vision a reality.