Other Questions we will answer with this article… What does an office desk or workstation cost? Should I buy a cheap office desk? What should I spend on office furniture?
So you’ve hit the search engine looking for new desks for your office and you’re swamped. This article will help you filter what is most important to you and your business, allowing you to make a judgment on how much you should spend when you buy office desks or workstations. Is there a difference between a desk and a workstation? For most of us the answer is ‘no’. The two names are interchangeable. For the salesperson? ‘Workstation’ sounds cooler and more luxurious so they tend to use that!
Define what you want. We cover how to design your office in other articles. What you need to consider when working out how much to spend is:
What does it look like? How long do I want it to last? Do I need my desks to be part of a bigger overall office solution? Do I want a full factory-backed Warranty? Is there ongoing service? Do I want continuity of supply so I can get more to match as my business grows? Is it made from recycled and sustainable raw materials? Is it recyclable? Does it fit my business image? Is it a Brand/Designer name? Do I want it Delivered & Installed? There’s a checklist here to help
Keeping it simple here we are going with the 4 most used and understood categories:
- Single Office Desk
- Open plan/Bench Workstation
- Electric Sit-Stand Workstation
- Executive Workstation.
For information about Activity Based Working, Agile Working, Collaborative Spaces in which workstations play a part we have more detail in other articles.
Most Workstations are made from a combination of materials. Often with steel leg frames and worktops made from MFC(Melamine), Laminate MDF, Wood Veneer MDF, or Solid Wood. MFC is by far the most used material in office furniture. It is relatively inexpensive, comes in huge colour variations including ‘wood look’, and stands up well to modern office life where surfaces take a beating. Laminate is very similar to MFC but with increased durability. Wood Veneer is thin sheets of real wood usually set on an MDF core, and Solid wood is…exactly that. For more info on these and other materials like Nanotech, Fenix, Ply, etc ask us in the Contact section. You can buy workstations for all office areas in all of the above materials but generally, most businesses use MFC or laminate throughout with veneers kept for Executive areas.
MFC (Melamine)
Most cheap desks pay lip service to this because it adds to cost, but many expensive designer desks have similar issues because it doesn’t look as stylish. If you don’t get this part right it doesn’t matter what you spend, cheap or expensive, your desk will look a mess. When you shortlist your chosen workstations, take time to get this part perfected. Bring together the furniture provider and IT team. Any good furniture supplier will be able to offer a fully tailored solution that keeps your IT tidy and safe.
Your workstation now looks great, it’s got the power and data where it’s needed. Is that it? For the desk, yes. For the individual user, no. Other considerations include monitor arms, desk screens/dividing panels, personal storage (pedestal drawers or lockers), the chair! Here we are considering only the desk however it can be argued that the ‘Workstation’ is an all-inclusive solution including all the above.
In our Office Desk Price Comparison Table below we show what a ‘fully loaded’ solution may cost. (That includes power, monitor arm, chair) We have more detailed articles for other furniture in your office and the What should I spend on Office Furniture Ebook – fill out the contact form below and we’ll send it to you Free.
You can buy them cheap or you can pay a fortune. If you’re buying for yourself, get what you want and can afford. If you’re buying for your business, a good start is our checklist to help you prioritise what you most want and need. Share this with your furniture supplier and it will guide you both and help to select the most suitable workstation for you at the price you want.