We will meet again
Working from home won’t be forever, and that’s what drives us, knowing that in time we will return to our offices!
Of course… After a long stint of working from home, the reactions from us will be mixed. For some, WFH has been a revelation, a preferred way of working, allowing us to juggle work and home life for the better. For others, slumped on a sofa or hunched over a laptop at the kitchen table with poor wifi, a return to the office will come with a massive sigh of relief.
More than anything I should think we are all eager to meet with our colleagues, friends, and family. Grab a coffee and physically engage again! We may all probably still be tapping elbows and heel kicks on greetings for a little while on the business front, just in case.
Whilst it will be exciting to be returning to the office, there will certainly be some change and a different routine from the once normal working day. We may see the current workplace set-up become a more Agile, Activity-based working’ Environment. One in which shared space is as important but also personal space is respected more. Some of this will be achieved through office design, other more radical thoughts suggest the end of the 9-5 working day and companies becoming more time flexible. Hopefully making public transport a tad quieter. We can only hope.
Cleaning services and general hygiene will likely be brought up to a new level of standard and the sharing of equipment such as keyboards & mice might be something to consider abolishing in shared-desk environments. Perhaps equipment cleaning wipes will become a staple ‘desktop’ item, or we might see the return of a more cubicle style layout and everyone having their own personal desks spaces again? Which for some of us in the world of workplace design may feel like a step backward, however, it might be essential in some businesses.
Wherever you work
With any workplace, wherever it might be – it all starts with company culture, processes, business structures, and the technology in place, which has no doubt been fully trialed and tested on the remote working front these past few weeks.
Sagal Group works with all types of organisations, to help them develop furniture design strategies that best meet the interests of the individuals and their teams. Our goal is to work with our customers to ensure user satisfaction and well-being of their workspaces wherever they might be. However your company decides to work in the future, the team at Sagal will endeavour to find solutions that suit you and your business team needs.
What is your future workplace vision?
Tell us your ideas and vision for your future workplace and let’s have a discussion about how we can make that vision a reality.